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Choosing An Air Conditioning Compressor? Here Are The 5 Top Compressor Options

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Air conditioning makes your home more comfortable and improves indoor air quality by reducing indoor pollutants. For your air conditioner to work efficiently, the air conditioning compressor must be in functional condition. The compressor moves the refrigerant within the AC to allow the cooling process. Any problems in this critical component can lead to inefficient cooling, noises from your AC, hard starting, or warm air into your home.

The choice of compressor for an AC determines the level of efficiency and need for maintenance. Read on to find the main compressors you'll find in AC models on the market.

1. Reciprocating Compressor

This is a common compressor with many AC brands on the market. The compression system features a piston to push air up or down in a cylinder. With each stroke, there's a vacuum created which draws in the refrigerant. The AC compressor has a reputation for efficiency as you can choose one with multiple cylinders.

2. Scroll Compressor

The compression system has a fixed coil at the center of the unit, with another coil rotating around it. The second coil rotates to force the refrigerant in for compression. If you're looking for a low-maintenance air conditioner, ask your air conditioning compressor supplier more about this scroll type of AC compressor. The air conditioning compressor features fewer parts to reduce the risk of breakdowns.

3. Rotary Compressor

If you have an area where silence is essential, this silent compressor is perfect for you. The compressor features a shaft in a cylinder. There are several blades in the shaft and during rotation, the blades force the refrigerant where there's the least space for compression.

4. Centrifugal Compressor 

If you want to cool a large indoor facility, consider the highly efficient centrifugal type of AC compressor. The system is compact with few parts in motion which reduces the risk of breakages. An impeller in the housing rotates rapidly and compression of the refrigerant occurs as it reaches terminal velocity.

5. Screw Compressor

If you're after reliability and efficiency in your air conditioner, look for a model with a screw type of AC compressor. This is the best option for large commercial or industrial facilities where you need to cool large amounts of air. The compressor features two helical rotors which evacuate air from the compressor. The refrigerant gets compressed as it moves through the compressor.  

With these options, you can pick the best air conditioning compressor to suit your property's cooling needs. Contact an air conditioning compressor supplier to learn more.
